Never lose sight of your goals
19 Jul 2020

Never lose sight of your goals

Oprah’s powerful quote above resonates with Phokwane Malabye’s philosophy: “Never lose sight of your goal!” Phokwane advises young adults looking…
Love more; smile more; do more!
15 Apr 2020

Love more; smile more; do more!

If you have ever thought that making a cup of tea was pretty straightforward, then think again! Because Ricardo Chame,…
Create the future you want
13 Feb 2020

Create the future you want

At 21 years of age, Storm Brown is one of the youngest Test Leads at Inspired Testing. He lives and…
Growth through Giving
11 Feb 2020

Growth through Giving

“Don’t stress!” This is the advice Inspired Testing’s Delivery Manager: Automation Testing, Tiaan Knoetzen, has for young people who are…
Ignoring the Boundaries
05 Dec 2019

Ignoring the Boundaries

“Honestly, I do not even remember when my title changed to Head of Business Analysis,” says Edward Ngubane, who was…
From tragedy to triumph
22 Nov 2019

From tragedy to triumph

Amanda Dambuza has earned a reputation as a remarkable businesswoman and a fearless leader who faces challenges head on. She…
Turning obstacles into opportunities
07 Nov 2019

Turning obstacles into opportunities

Prudence Mabitsela – the young dynamite MD of Dynamic DNA – appears to leave no stone unturned when it comes…
Forged in adversity, honed by diversity
22 Oct 2019

Forged in adversity, honed by diversity

Maria Mokati’s story starts as a young woman alone in the small Free State town of Vredefort. “Basically, I am…